An interview with Le Lien Multimedia
Our co-founder and CEO Gaëlle talks with Oriane Morriet, reporter at Le Lien Multimedia, for an interview where she shares our vision, history, solutions and business model.
Our co-founder and CEO Gaëlle talks with Oriane Morriet, reporter at Le Lien Multimedia, for an interview where she shares our vision, history, solutions and business model.
Notre cofondatrice et directrice Gaëlle s’entretient avec Oriane Morriet, journaliste au Lien Multimedia, pour une interview où elle partage notre vision, notre histoire, nos solutions et notre modèle d’affaires.
Un débat passionné sur la question de savoir si les ordinateurs et les robots peuvent supplanter la créativité humaine a eu lieu au cours de la session : Up and Coming: Could AI Replace the Traditional Creative Process?
A passionate debate about whether computers and robots can supplant human creativity took place during the session: Up and Coming: Could AI Replace the Traditional Creative Process?
It’s a question many are asking. The past few months have seen the film industry test AI-powered solutions to actually make art, not just inform it.
C’est une question que beaucoup se posent. Ces derniers mois, nous avons vu l’industrie cinématographique tester des solutions reposant sur l’IA pour faire de l’art et pas seulement l’informer.
The Canada Media Fund (CMF), Telefilm Canada, Gradiant AI and other Canadian industry leaders have partnered with MIPTV, the world’s premier television market taking place in Cannes.