Bringing out the potential of data mutualization and valorization within a think tank
Diagramme – gestion culturelle is specializes in administration and project management for artists and cultural organizations in the performing arts. Its mission is to accompany, support and structure professional artists in their development, in accordance with values of ethics, rigor and integrity.
After an initial assessment of the company’s digital maturity within the framework of Canada’s Digital Strategic Fund, Diagramme wanted to go further in the adoption of new technologies. Data management has emerged as one of the main components of the organization’s digital strategy and, in this context, the organization has identified the need and the interest to reflect jointly with several actors of the performing arts community intervening throughout the artistic value chain. Thus, the organization has set up a collective think tank with three other partners in dissemination, creation and production on data management in order to identify the potential for data sharing and, in the long term, to describe a data model that will be structuring for the entire performing arts sector.
In order to bring out the potential of data mutualization and valorization within the think tank, Diagramme calls upon Gradiant’s support to :
- Update knowledge on the basic concepts related to data and their use in the cultural context
- Identify the potential of relevant data mutualization and valorization for Diagramme and its partners
To meet the objectives, we followed a three-phase methodology:
- Understanding the organizational and information context
- Introduction session on data development in the performing arts
- Ideation workshops on data mutualization and valorization
Understanding of the organizational and information context
In order to ensure that we propose adapted introduction and ideation workshops, and that the data valuation use cases that will emerge from them meet clear needs, it is necessary that we familiarize ourselves with the organizations’ context. In particular, this step will allow us to understand the organization’s strategic objectives and challenges, to assess the level of familiarity with the concepts surrounding data and the organization’s analytical maturity (high-level data use), to identify the existing interactions between the various stakeholders along the value chain, and to diagnose the high-level data assets, whether they are internal or external to the organization. This step involves, among other things, interviews with the various organizations and a reading of all relevant documentation (digital strategy, annual reports, etc.).
This phase took place in three key steps:
- 1) Creation of value chains by organization (issues, data and interactions).
- 2) One to two hours of discussion with each organization around their issues.
- 3) Compilation and restructuring of issues into individual and common problems.
Introduction session on data development in the performing arts
This is a upgrading session on the basic concepts around data and its valorization. The objectives of this workshop are to understand and be inspired in order to develop a common imagination in terms of data valorization and to acquire the bases in view of the ideation session. We have, among others, dealt with the following points:
- What is data valorization ?
- What is a data, and where do they hide ?
- Examples of data valorization in creation, production, diffusion.
- Ethical issues and legal implications.
- Starter box
Ideation workshops on data mutualization and valorization
The ideation workshop is divided in two key steps :
- Workshop #1: Identification, prioritization and selection of solutions to common issues previously identified during the interviews with the organizations.
- Workshop #2: Translation of solutions in case of use of data enhancement.
This approach, which incorporates the notions of data in a second step, avoids any technological solutionism, and deals with the use of data in a simple and value-added way for the user. The objective is to identify use cases that will respond to concrete issues encountered by organizations.
As a result of our accompaniment, we have walked the following path:
- Demystifying Artificial Intelligence and Creating a Common Imagination in the Use of Data in the Performing Arts
- Elaboration of three use cases in data enhancement responding to concrete needs
You can find below few illustrations regarding the highlights of the project :
Project's path

Key facts regarding the interviews - Identification of issues

Key facts - Ideation workshops N°1
Identification of solutions

Key facts - Ideation workshop N°2
Creation of use cases